Thursday, July 21, 2005

Foggy day

After the last day of Festival 500, some friends and I decided we to see the sun rise the next day.
We met and rounded up people who were interested at 4:30 am and took cabs to Signal Hill. The entire hill was covered in fog. Frankly, I have never seen fog that thick in my entire life. We couldn't even see the ocean. We waited there, hoping the fog will clear up and catch a glimpse of the sun rise, until it was obvious that the sun had risen completely without any of us witnessing it. I guess the sun always comes out whether you see it or not.

nano nano

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Festival 500

After spending 12 days in St John's Newfoundland attending Festival 500, I have finally arrived at my friend's place in North York, Ontario, where I have time and access to internet.

The last 12 days was the greatest time I ever had in my life. We get to meet many different choirs from all over the world and share performances with some of them. We stayed in the residence of the local college. Everywhere we go, we see people from the festival. It feels like the whole town are all there for one purpose, music.

The name tags that were given to us also serve as a free bus pass in the city, although we chose to walk most of the time. Close to the down town area stands many old church buildings. The houses near down town all look like they have a story to tell.

I really wish I can go back there some day.

It was extremely hard yesterday when I was leaving. Many groups have left the night before and the cafeteria that has been packed during breakfast in the last 12 days became a huge empty room. All of a sudden, I am by myself again, but not part of the greater, magical, music ensemble that shares and inspires anymore. I wish the festival goes on forever. I can't wait for choir to start again.

nano nano

Thursday, June 30, 2005

4 hours before my flight!

I will be in NFLD at 2315 tonight!!! I'm so excited and i haven't slept yet, haha! I think I have everything packed. At least I hope I do....hehe.

By the way, I have just posted tons of pictures we took during the road trip to Yellow Knife. Feel free to check them out here.

See you guys on the east coast!!

nano nano.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

It's been a while...

Wow. I haven't posted anything for a real long time. Anyways, I'm going to St John, New Foundland for Festival 500 this Thursday. It's going to be really exciting. Hopefully I can take some cool pictures.

On top of that, I will be going to visit my friend in Toronto until July 18th. It's going to be fun too!

By the way, I will be making a music video for my cousin when I come back. Feel free to let me know if you want to help. The song is called "Cover Up" and their webpage is Go check them out.

nano nano.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Riddick's eye

Look what they have done to my pupil. I felt like Riddick today.

Nano nano.

Give me strength

I need to be strong.
Will you pray for me?

Nano nano.

Monday, February 28, 2005

Teddies and Toys

I went to the Provincial Museum yesterday and took some pictures at the "Teddies and Toys" exhibition. Check them out in my photo album.

Nano nano.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

d16, reloaded

"Die is not a big sell, but we have a lot of cues and pool tables."
-the guy from the south side River City Games.

"I have never heard of d16."
-customer #1 from Mission: Fun and Games.

"Just use 2d8!"
-customer #2 (or was it still #1) from Mission: Fun and Games. [the problem with replacing d16 with 2d8 is that d16 has and even spread of 1/16 chance of getting 1 to 16, 2d8 don't. Please consult your Math 30 teacher for further details.]

"We can order it in for you, if you can find it in the catalogs."
-very nice store keeper from Mission: Fun and Games.

"I'm going to a game convention in a few weeks, and I'll keep an eye out for you."
-told you he's nice.

D16, Reloaded

coming soon to a gaming store near you (or not)

Nano nano.